Human-AI Collaboration in Creative Content Generation

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Ramesh Chouhan


The collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) in creative content generation has emerged as a dynamic and rapidly evolving research area. This paper delves into the multifaceted dimensions of this collaboration, exploring how AI systems have become integral partners in creative processes. By examining the symbiotic relationship between humans and AI, we investigate the potential for enhanced creativity and productivity. Through case studies and empirical analysis, we assess the impact of AI-driven tools in various creative domains, including art, music, literature, and design.

Drawing from a range of prior research, this paper discusses the historical context and evolution of human-AI collaboration in creative content generation. We explore the advantages and challenges of AI integration, emphasizing ethical considerations, user experience, and copyright issues. Additionally, we highlight the growing significance of explainable AI and user-centered design in the development of AI tools that actively engage with human creators.


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Human-AI Collaboration in Creative Content Generation. (2022). Research-Gate Journal, 8(8).

How to Cite

Human-AI Collaboration in Creative Content Generation. (2022). Research-Gate Journal, 8(8).


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